
The Veteran Legislative Voice (VLV) is a page to help veterans, spouses and patriotic Americans exercise their 1st amendment rights in contacting their government and voice their opinions about issues affecting our military service members. This website is to provide resources to those that are determined to make a difference for themselves and their fellow citizens.

If you are interested, please go “How can I become involved?”. There will be call scripts, email/snail mail templates, and contact information for your congressmen.

There are devastating and life-changing issues that are affecting our current and past military service members. Some of these issues include:

High veteran and military suicide rates
Sexual Violence
Medical issues due to deployment and stateside locations
VA medical Care
Toxic Leadership

One common theme from our political representatives, regardless of party-affiliation, is to use the military as an emotional talking point without providing substantial solutions to these issues. Our goal is to leverage the voices of citizens and cause lasting change to help those that sacrifice the most for our country.


Email: vetslegislativevoice@gmail.com

Instagram: @vetslegislativevoice

Twitter: @LegislativeVets

Facebook Group: Veteran Legislative Voice

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